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Pi Day: Incorporating Math into Language Learning

Pi Day: Incorporating Math into Language Learning

Math and languages may seem like they have little in common, but many skills cross over between the two subjects, like...
Pathways to Spanish Proficiency: Connecting Hearts and Bridging Cultures

Pathways to Spanish Proficiency: Connecting Hearts and Bridging Cultures

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." — Frank...
Use or Lose: ESSER Spending Deadline Looms

Use or Lose: ESSER Spending Deadline Looms

A very important source of federal aid for K–12 programs will soon end. On September 30, 2024, the federal Elementary...
Summer Reading Recommendations for Elementary, Middle, and High School

Summer Reading Recommendations for Elementary, Middle, and High School

What better way to for kids to spend summer vacation than discovering new books to entertain them? Maintaining sharp...
States Roll Out Leaner K–12 Funding Proposals

States Roll Out Leaner K–12 Funding Proposals

What a difference a year makes. Early last year, legislatures in many states enacted funding measures with eye-popping...
Focus on California_Funding for Language Learners

Focus on California: Funding for Language Learners Remains at Record Levels

Earlier this summer, California lawmakers approved an education budget unlike those of the three previous years, when...
Districts Face Hurdles in Spending Record Amounts of Relief Funding

Districts Face Hurdles in Spending Record Amounts of Relief Funding

School districts now face a unique challenge with no easy solution: How to spend record amounts of federal education...
The ABCs of K–12 Funding

The ABCs of K–12 Funding

One thing that is abundantly clear about K–12 education is that funding matters. And so do the basic concepts...