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multilingual learners

Differentiating Instruction and Creating a Linguistically Inclusive Classroom

Tips and Strategies for Differentiating Instruction and Creating a Linguistically Inclusive Classroom

  There was a time in education when the curricular mindset was “one size fits all.” That was never accurate,...
15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

One of the joys of learning a language is getting to use new vocabulary with family and friends during different...
Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing dynamic classroom interaction allow teachers to design lessons that meet the individual instructional and...
Building a Culture of Advocacy

Building a Culture of Advocacy

Listen to the Language Imperative Podcast Series  Advocating for something that matters to you is an act of personal...
Strategies for Newcomers and SLIFE Students

Strategies for Newcomers and SLIFE Students

All across the United States, students who are limited in English proficiency are entering school. Some are immigrants...
It’s Back to School Time—Again!

It’s Back to School Time—Again!

The holiday season has come and gone, and winter break is over. After being off from school for the holiday break,...
Empowering SLIFE Students in Your Classroom

Empowering SLIFE Students in Your Classroom

Many schools around the country are seeing a dramatic increase in students with limited or interrupted formal education...
Ho-Ho-Holiday Traditions in the US

Ho-Ho-Holiday Traditions in the US

The United States is a diverse nation that embraces different languages and cultures. Cultures from around the world...
Preventing the Achievement Gap Among EnglishMultilingual Learners and Striving Readers

Preventing the Achievement Gap Among English/Multilingual Learners and Striving Readers

All students learn in different ways and at different paces. Sometimes factors beyond one’s control, such as...
Secret Teaching Closing the Literacy Achievement Gap in Discreet Ways

Secret Teaching: Closing the Literacy Achievement Gap in Discreet Ways

In most classrooms today, students enter with varying levels of knowledge and academic abilities. While some may be...