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Pi Day: Incorporating Math into Language Learning

Pi Day: Incorporating Math into Language Learning

Math and languages may seem like they have little in common, but many skills cross over between the two subjects, like...
15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

One of the joys of learning a language is getting to use new vocabulary with family and friends during different...
Vocabulary Strategies to Support English and Multilingual Learners

Vocabulary Strategies to Support English and Multilingual Learners

The best vocabulary development strategies do much more than present new words to students and require that they...
Today’s Reading Challenge for English Learners in Middle and High School

Today’s Reading Challenge for English Learners in Middle and High School

Today, classrooms are comprised of students reading at various ability levels. As a result, English language arts...
Help Students Level Up in Reading

Help Students Level Up in Reading

Many kids love to play video games, especially ones that involve trying to “level up,” or move their character...
Phonics Developing the Foundation, Building the Future

Phonics: Developing the Foundation, Building the Future

When someone is building a house, they must secure a strong foundation in order for the structure to stand over time....
Phonics, Fluency, and Vocabulary Expanding to the Next Level

Phonics, Fluency, and Vocabulary: Expanding to the Next Level

Some of the most important skills for children to acquire in order to learn how to read and write are blending sounds,...