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Prepare Your Language Classroom for Success: High-Frequency Teaching Practice

Classroom preparation for language learning in higher education requires careful planning, as well as special attention...

Benefits of Incorporating Video Input, Projects and Real-Life Tasks in the Second Language Classroom

During the month of October, Vista Higher Learning offered five webinars that highlighted the importance of...

October is a Month for Advocacy

Vista Higher Learning is a proud sponsor of several initiatives to unite, educate, and inspire educators nationwide and...

Leveraging Online Courses to Boost Students Enrollments

In the digital age, online courses has become a powerful tool for acquiring new skills and knowledge, and learning...

Why Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

Each year from mid-September to mid-October, Americans recognize and learn about the Hispanic Heritage Month through...

Set Your Goals for the New School Year

Maintaining motivation in the classroom is not easy. Planning activities and grading homework drain the energy of both...

Be Successful in Your Return to College

Back to school is an exciting but demanding time in a student's life. With new responsibilities, it is essential to be...

Time Management Tips for Students

The dilemma of every language student is knowing how to manage your time in order to succeed in your studies without...
Exploring Italy (In Person or from Home): A 2023 Summer Guide

Exploring Italy (In Person or from Home): A 2023 Summer Guide

Are you wondering where to go and what to see in Italy *right now*? We are here to help! Summer can be hot (very hot)...

How do I teach communicatively in an online course?

Just because you do not see your students face to face, you can still deliver a highly communicative class with a...