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Higher Education

Teaching for the Long Term Memory, Part 2

By Krista Chambless In my webinar “Teaching for Long-Term Memory Part 1” I present the first 3 steps of...

Learning Italian: Tongue Twisters

By Claudia Quesito Tongue twisters, scioglilingua—literally, (things that) melt your tongue—are great for...
Hoy queremos compartir una fantástica colección llamada Cara y Cruz, catalogada entre las más grandes de los clásicos de la literatura

Cara y Cruz, una colección llena de clásicos de la literatura

Hoy queremos compartir una fantástica colección llamada Cara y Cruz, catalogada entre las más grandes de los...
paris, luvre

Les musées : des espaces éducatifs – France

Par Jenny Güemez Les musées ont toujours facilité l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. En effet, ils sont une...

Teaching for the Long Term Memory, Part 1

By Krista Chambless “I studied Spanish for 2 years and I don’t remember anything!” is the bane of...
dome, rome

Musei: spazi educativi – Italia

di Jenny Güemez I musei hanno sempre facilitato il processo di insegnamento e apprendimento, grazie alla loro...
Altes Museum Berlin, Germany

Museen: Bildungsräume – Deutschland

By Jenny Güemez Museen haben den Lehr und Lern Prozess aufgrund ihres Charakters als Quelle universellen Wissens...

Italiani o europei?

By- Claudia Quesito In Italy, it is often debated how much Italians—as well as their fellow Europeans—...

Italiani in movimento

By- Claudia Quesito Italy has an important record of emigration to other countries. The massive migration of...


By- Claudia Quesito Gli esami non finiscono mai (exams never end), goes an old saying. True or not, there are...