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K-12 Education

Incorporating Social & Emotional Learning: A Bridge to Success in the World Language Classroom

Yesterday, I was greeting my students when I noticed a student clearly in distress walking to her next class. Her face...

Creating Confident Communicators

When language educators reflect on what they want their learners to be able to do, most would likely respond “use the...

Cómo la educación virtual transformó los procesos de enseñanza

El estudiante siempre ha sido el eje de todo centro educativo y durante la pandemia asumió un papel protagónico, pues...
el agradecimiento

Cómo expresar el agradecimiento

El Diccionario de la lengua española define el agradecimiento (gratitud) como, “sentimiento que obliga a una...
English Language Learners

New State Programs Boost Support for Learning Recovery and English Language Learners

By Jay A. Diskey There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has set back learning for students. While estimates of...

Developing Relevant Performance Assessments

Performance assessments are an important part of any World Language classroom.  We want to see what students can do...