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AP Spanish

Pathways to Spanish Proficiency: Connecting Hearts and Bridging Cultures

Pathways to Spanish Proficiency: Connecting Hearts and Bridging Cultures

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." — Frank...
Getting the Edge on AP Summer Institutes for our World Language Courses!

“Getting the Edge” on AP® Summer Institutes for our World Language Courses!

I receive lots of questions about AP Summer Institutes, also known as APSIs. Teachers ask if they should attend one,...
AP® World Languages and Cultures Scaffold and support exam tasks! After all, it’s not May yet!

AP® World Languages and Cultures Scaffold and support exam tasks! After all, it’s not May yet!

Teaching AP® World Language and Culture courses—in my case AP Spanish Language and Culture—is a great love—a...
AP Exam Instructional Planning Reports

AP® Exam Instructional Planning Reports: What Do They Tell Us and How Can They Support Instruction?

Now that school is about to start (or has already started for many), I have observed a lot of social media posts, and...

Celebrating AP® Exam Day – “Special Effects” to Cheer Students on to Success!

Greetings to all! Time is passing and AP® exam days will be here soon! One of my favorite aspects of teaching AP®...
Mid-Year Reflection and Goal Setting for AP® World Language and Culture Exams

Mid-Year Reflection and Goal Setting for AP® World Language and Culture Exams

Ah…the power of reflection! Years ago (in 2002), I was among the first world language teachers to earn National Board...
Pre-AP Support in Introductory Spanish Courses

Pre-AP® Support in Introductory Spanish Courses: Part Three

Build the base The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is not just a class. It’s not just an exam, and it’s...
Pre-AP Support in Introductory Spanish Courses

Pre-AP® Support in Introductory Spanish Courses: Part Two

What does a Pre-AP Spanish course curriculum include? Theme-based curricula that build to the AP Spanish course...
Pre-AP Support in Introductory Spanish Courses

Pre-AP® Support in Introductory Spanish Courses: Part One

We all understand that a structure cannot stand without a solid base. And as language teachers, we know that regardless...