Enseñar poesía en la sala de clases suele ser un reto para muchos docentes. Lograr que los estudiantes comprendan y...
By Claudia Quesito
While we of course must give credit where credit’s due and note that Dante well deserves the...
We’re introduced to poetry as soon as we’re born, through cooing lullabies and catchy nursery rhymes. As teachers,...
There’s nothing like National Poetry Month in Italy, but celebrating poetry always seems a good idea. Plus, 2021...
April is National Poetry Month, and it’s never too early to introduce children to the auditory beauty that rhyme and...
Piedad Bonnett, poeta y escritora colombiana, nos regala en esta antología una selección poética que abarca cien...
April is National Poetry Month, which is all the more reason to include one of the oldest forms of expression in...
Students and teachers take time not only to study famous poets and poems, but also various types of poems and...
Existen expresiones o formas artísticas que en un momento determinado sirvieron de modelo para escritores,...
Cuando se habla de poesía resulta inevitable pensar en la belleza en todas sus formas inimaginables de...