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Creative Uses of Summer Travel Experiences in Classroom Learning

Creative Uses of Summer Travel Experiences in Classroom Learning

Summer travel experiences can be powerful tools for engaging geography, history, and cultural studies lessons. Seeing...
Top Summer Reading Picks for Italian Students

Top Summer Reading Picks for Italian Students

During their long summer break, Italian students have plenty of possibilities, from summer schools to summer camps,...
4 Fun Ideas to Get Students Ready for Back-to-School 

4 Fun Ideas to Get Students Ready for Back-to-School 

By Kelli Drummer-Avendano It’s a hard task to go from vacation mode to learning mode all in one day. To make the...
What do Italian Students Do over the Summer?

What do Italian Students Do over the Summer?

How do Italian middle- and highschoolers spend their summers? They surely enjoy a very long break—the longest in...
What Teacher Appreciation Month Means to Educators

What Teacher Appreciation Month Means to Educators

Each May, we take the time to celebrate educators during Teacher Appreciation Month. This usually means writing...

Ways to Support Newcomer ELs in School

Some Multilingual/English Language Learners (ELs) may be attending a new school for the first time in the United States...
language learners

Tools to Include in Every EL Backpack 

Summer is close to an end, and the start of school is right around the corner. Soon students will have to return to...

Teaching with Poetry in the Classroom

¿Qué es poesía?, dices, mientras clavas en mi pupila tu pupila azul, ¡Qué es poesía! ¿Y tú me lo...

How Do I Personalize My Teaching in an Online Course?

Keep students engaged, alert, and on task by personalizing the learning activities with video, audio, and...

Transition to Remote Teaching and Learning

The evolving situation with COVID-19 has caused a rapid shift to remote teaching and learning at many schools and...