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5 Simple Ways To Appreciate Teachers All Year Long 


By Kelli Drummer-Avendano

Teachers work all year, so it’s only right that we should celebrate and appreciate teachers all year, as well. Simple acts of gratitude don’t need a big price tag or a lot of time, but their impact can last a lifetime. 

  1. Thank them. 

Being thankful doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. The best way to appreciate a teacher is to simply thank them. When expressing your gratitude try to state a specific example. You might feel grateful because they spent extra time explaining a lesson or creating a fun learning game. If you want to send a card or a note, that’s wonderful, but just saying the words “thank you” is enough to make any teacher feel appreciated. 

  1. Be a supporter of education.

Access to education is fundamental to a peaceful and functional society. Whether they teach in a public or private sphere, teachers understand this because they see firsthand the difference quality schools can make in a community. You can show how much you care about teachers by supporting them with your voice when the topic of education comes up, either in casual conversation or on a national stage.

  1. Talk them up. 

Everyone loves to get a sincere compliment. It’s even better when you hear through the grapevine that someone’s been singing your praises. The next time you notice a teacher in your life doing something spectacular, be sure to let others know about it. Brag about them in an email to their supervisor or colleague, write a letter to the editor of a local news publication, or nominate them for a community or schoolwide award.  

  1. Gift them supplies.

Most teachers have a classroom wish list. Even if it’s not written down, they have a running list in their head of all the supplies, gadgets, books, etc., they would love to see in their classroom. A wonderful way to show how much you care is to fulfill an item from their wish list. That way they have the tools they need to really shine in the classroom. 

  1. Show a love of learning. 

If you’re eager to learn, teachers will be enthusiastic to teach. Just as an artist feels valued when people are excited about their art, a teacher feels appreciated when their students are excited about their lessons. By demonstrating a love of learning, no matter your age, you make a teacher’s job easier and more gratifying. That’s the best thank-you gift of all!


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