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four people with luggage

By Jenny Güemez

Learning or perfecting another language will always be an unforgettable experience, especially if you acquire or improve it in the summer.

While you travel, have fun and open yourself up to new experiences and a broader vision of the world.

Learning a language in a country’s culture, customs, and lifestyles will multiply your possibilities of learning especially during the summer.

When studying Spanish, you have 27 countries to choose from that where to study, speak and understand this Romance language. You can travel to Europe, Latin America, or Africa, where you will be immersed in a culturally rich environment in addition to opening yourself up to acquire the language.

In Spain, in cities such as Seville, Madrid, Barcelona or Burgos; in Latin America, with its open, warm, young and party atmosphere, with Bogotá in Colombia, Montevideo in Uruguay or Puerto Vallarta in Mexico; and in Equatorial Guinea or in Central Africa, an environment of fabulous natural reserves and Spanish courses in summer.

Park Güell, Barcelona, Spain

Park Güell, Barcelona, Spain

From the arts in Italy to the fun life in France

If you want to study Italian, you can acquire the mother language of 90 million Italians inside and outside of Italy.

The great historical and cultural richness attracts thousands of international students to Italy every summer to learn, practice, and speak Italian while experiencing art, literature, opera, music and enjoying rich and varied gastronomy.

Coliseum, Rome, Italy

Coliseum, Rome, Italy

The Campania region is ideal for learning the language in its eleven universities and many Italian schools.

Naples, Salerno, Sorrento, and other cities in southern Italy are suitable for students because their fun, open atmosphere, lively terraces, and nightlife become a huge classroom in summer to learn Italian.

Suppose you prefer French, with summer courses in France. In that case, your progress will be daily, because any of the cities where you study will welcome you in their rich social life.

You can practice speaking and thinking in French in cafes, in small and picturesque shops, bakeries and museums, and weekend excursions to other cities and regions.

In these summer courses, your language skills are as crucial as your cultural integration into French life.

In addition to Paris, there are other cities to study French in summer, such as Marseille or Montpellier, on the Mediterranean coast, or Lille, known for its lively atmosphere. 

Marseille, France

Marseille, France

Learning German is an invaluable experience

If your choice is German, summer schools in Germany combine theoretical and practical classes through social and cultural activities.

You can take short trips to visit summer exhibitions and museums. In addition, you can attend the theater, concerts, opera, parties, and gatherings, speaking German all the time to help you overcome the technicality of this language and make your learning and understanding process faster, easier, and more effective.

Römerberg, Frankfurt, Germany

Römerberg, Frankfurt, Germany

Besides Germany, you can study German in Austria, part of Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, and Liechtenstein, because it is also their official language.


Read also: A language-based bucket list for your summer

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