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How Technology Can Enhance Your Language Classroom

In the digital age, technology has become a powerful tool for driving educational innovation and enhancing the learning...

3 New Year Resolutions for Language Instructors

The start of a new year always brings the opportunity to reflect and set goals for improvement and growth. For language...

Gratitude and Appreciation for Your Valued Partnership

As the year ends, we want to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for your support and active participation...

Communication in Context: How The New Roman-photo Facilitates Engagement

Inspiring students to participate in target-language conversations can feel presque impossible. They may be anxious...

La magia de la Navidad en países hispanohablantes

La Navidad es una época del año que trae consigo no solo alegría y festividad, sino también un encanto único en la...

Vista Higher Learning – Professional Development Webinars – Fall 2023

Throughout the fall, we covered a range of important topics aimed at enhancing language programs and providing valuable...

Effective Strategies for Learning a Language through Reading

Learning a new language can be an exciting challenge and a life-changing experience, but it can also be intimidating....

Prepare Your Language Classroom for Success: High-Frequency Teaching Practice

Classroom preparation for language learning in higher education requires careful planning, as well as special attention...

Benefits of Incorporating Video Input, Projects and Real-Life Tasks in the Second Language Classroom

During the month of October, Vista Higher Learning offered five webinars that highlighted the importance of...
15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

One of the joys of learning a language is getting to use new vocabulary with family and friends during different...