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6 Back-to-School Traditions from Around the World

Have you ever wondered how students in other parts of the world get ready for a new school year? The following back-to-school traditions from around the world are excellent examples of cultural diversity that you could share with your class as they embark on their own new adventure.


  1. Russia

You’ve heard of bringing an apple for the teacher, but in Russia, students bring flowers to their teachers on the first day of school. This day, known as Knowledge Day, is also marked by special ceremonies and formal dress clothes.


  1. Indonesia

Just as many schools do in the US, Indonesian schools use the first day students are back to play games and activities designed to break the ice. Students, both new and veteran, make connections and get to know each other better in order to build a strong community.


  1. Germany

At the beginning of the school year, kids in Germany receive a schultüte. This special gift is a cone-shaped container filled with candy and school supplies. While these unique presents can be bought at the store, many parents chose to make their own and add personal touches.


  1. Saudi Arabia

Like in Indonesia, students in Saudi Arabia don’t begin regular class on the first day back. Instead, they spend the first few days getting to know their classmates and teachers. There are school celebrations and class parties with food and fun activities.


  1. Japan

When students begin elementary school for the first time in Japan, they’re given a special backpack called a randoseru. These durable bags have a hard side and can last through a student’s entire schooling—and are sometimes even handed down to other family members.


  1. Vietnam

It’s typical for schools in the US to have end-of-the-year student performances, but in Vietnam, students often dress up and perform for family and friends on the first day of school, which is considered a nationwide day of celebration.


By Kelli Drummer-Avendano

Also read: 5 Ways to Welcome Students Back to the Classroom

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