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L’italiano svizzero

By Claudia Quesito Italian is widely spoken in many countries and is the national language of Italy, San Marino,...

Le parole più usate dagli italiani

By Claudia Quesito According to Treccani—the most famous and influential Italian encyclopedia—Italian boasts...

7 Ways to Celebrate Languages in the Classroom

By Kelli Drummer-Avendano Whether you want to promote the benefits of multilingualism or make English language...

4 Tips to Keep Students Engaged During Online Summer Classes

By Kelli Drummer-Avendano Keeping students engaged during summer classes is hard enough when it's face-to-face, but...

Dirlo con i colori

By Claudia Quesito Italian has a number of expressions and sayings based on colors. To start, farne di tutti i...

La palabra del día: magisterio 

Magisterio: (ma-gis-te-rio)  Profesión de un maestro o de un profesor.  Clase de...

Cinco consejos para fomentar la lectura infantil

Por- María Gibert Por medio de la lectura se desarrolla la imaginación, la creatividad, las habilidades de...

Webinar series: Best Practices for Remote Teaching

    The spread of COVID-19 has caused a rapid shift to remote teaching and learning...

Learning Languages: How to Inspire Students

By Andreina Ibarra Learning a language is not easy, which is why the teacher's ability to motivate his or her...
machu pichu

Immerse Yourself in World-Wide, Virtual Travel

By Kelli Drummer-Avendano This summer is sure to be one we'll never forget, but most likely not because of all the...