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Author: The Editor

Entertainment: Best of 2019 for Italians

By- Claudia Quesito Together with the unavoidable new year resolutions (i propositi per l’anno nuovo), at the end...

Meaningful Projects to Commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

By- Kelli Drummer-Avendano Martin Luther King Jr. Day was first observed in 1986. Since then, it's become a holiday...

5 Ways to Exercise at Home When It’s Cold Outside

By- Kelli Drummer-Avendano It's a brand new year and a chance for a new start. If one of your New Year's...

A Look at the Most Translated Authors of All Time

By- Erika Semprun A couple of days ago we discussed translated works and how much a story can change when it’s...

Five Surprising Facts about Martin Luther King Jr.

By- Erika Semprun With Martin Luther King Jr. Day just around the corner, what better time to learn about one of the...

Los relativos, exclamativos e interrogativos

Los relativos, los exclamativos y los interrogativos presentan rasgos léxicos y morfológicos muy similares, por...

Advocacy for All: From the Classroom to the World

Every day that world language teachers step into the classroom to inspire and motivate their students to acquire...

Cómo elaborar una monografía

Sin duda alguna, uno de los mayores retos académicos es realizar una monografía. Y es que este tipo de tarea...

Learning Italian: Parole Nuove

Like many other idioms, Italian is a living language. It is used every day by millions of people, and it changes over...

The most notorious non-Italian dishes

By- Claudia Quesito The Italian cuisine is known, loved, and reproduced worldwide—and sometimes it becomes …...