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Being aware of how different groups of Americans have struggled for equal rights is an essential part of understanding history, especially because the effects and continuation of these struggles can still be seen today.  Students in Grades 4–6 can explore the great movements for equality in America’s past with the five-title series Participación cívica: Luchar por los derechos civiles

This series highlights the key figures and events of each movement, while also explaining the incidents that fueled them. Through the use of photographs and primary sources, students are transported back in time to grasp the significance of these crusades. Additionally, the books challenge readers to think about how they can help advance the rights and freedoms of all Americans. 

Read a sample here: 

Included in this series is a volume on the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, which is perhaps one of the most recognized fights for justice. Students learn how leaders of the movement made their voices heard and would not settle for unfair treatment of African Americans. The struggle for women’s suffrage is another well-known movement to explore. 

Many Americans take for granted the right to vote, but for more than 100 years after the founding of this country, women were not allowed to make their opinions known by casting their ballots. The volume in this series on the subject shows readers firsthand how the women’s suffrage movement changed the lives of American women forever. 

Other important movements in the series that students may not be as familiar with include the struggles for rights for people with disabilities, Native American rights, and Mexican American rights. These fights for equal treatment in America have touched the lives of millions of people over the years and have often inspired similar movements around the world. 

Let students be inspired by the past to help better the future of America with this amazing series!

By Kelli Drummer-Avendano

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Connect program: Connecting Language to Themes and Context
3 years ago

[…] Read also: Civil Rights and Civic Participation for Kids […]