It’s that time of year, when scary stories are popular on TV, and new horror movies appear in theaters. But while...
The first Italian mystery dates back to 1852. It is titled Il mio cadavere and features two of the motifs we now...
BookTok—the subcommunity on TikTok devoted to books and literature—is as popular in Italy as it is in the United...
Italian middle- and high-schoolers read pretty much the same books loved by their peers around the world. From Hunger...
By- Erika Semprun
A couple of days ago we discussed translated works and how much a story can change when it’s...
By- Angela Padrón
Isabel Allende is a Latina writer who was born in Lima, Peru on August 2, 1942. Her writing can be...
Por- Glenda Rosado
Todos los que tenemos hermanos, nos podemos identificar con esta historia pícara y llena de...
By- Angela Padron
Gabriel García Márquez was born in Aracataca, Colombia on March 6, 1927. He is best known for...
Su padre, de origen noruego, murió cuando el futuro escritor sólo tenía tres años. Esta desaparición dejó en...
Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957), pseudonym for Lucila Godoy y Alcayaga, was born in Vicuña, Chile. The daughter of a...