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culture in the classroom

Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

If you’re anything like me, most of my French language learning was centered around the Hexagone. You know, the...
Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

Social Justice: Moving Beyond a Single Story

What we share with our students will ultimately shape their ideas and perspectives on the world. And yet, so often we...
Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

How to Include More Afro-Francophone Resources in Your Instructional Repertoire

We all know there is a wealth of information on the internet. No joke; it’s amazing—and very overwhelming. If you...
Marvelous Multilingualism: Exploring Hispanic Super heroes

Marvelous Multilingualism: Exploring Hispanic Superheroes

Diversity and inclusion have gained importance, even in the arena of comic book heroes. The fantastic and colorful...
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo through Spanish Language Learning

¡Viva la lengua! Celebrating Cinco de Mayo through Spanish Language Learning and Cuisine in the Classroom

Cinco de Mayo is a lively celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Though it’s not Mexico’s Independence Day, the...
Preserving German American Traditions and Culture

Preserving German American Traditions and Culture

According to key statistics from the most recent US Census, more than 40 million Americans claim to have German...
Top de maestros que cambiaron la historia

Top de maestros que cambiaron la historia

La educación es el arma más poderosa que puede poseer la humanidad. Es el único instrumento eficaz para erradicar...
Important Aspects to Include in Your Italian Class Lesson Plans

Important Aspects to Include in Your Italian Class Lesson Plans

Given that everyone learns in a different way, and that your lesson plans should consider all kind of...
4 High-Interest Elements in the Language Classroom for Student Interaction

4 High-Interest Elements to Use in the Language Classroom

A teacher’s dream is to have all students engaged in learning and enjoying the lesson. While this is a noble goal,...
Imagina - Authentic Resources for Thought-Provoking Discussions

Authentic Resources for Thought-Provoking Discussions

In my early years of teaching, it was not common practice to use authentic texts to teach Spanish. I supported the...