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Language Classroom

Webinar: ACTFL's Guiding Principles for Language Learning: What do they look like for K-5?

ACTFL’s Guiding Principles for Language Learning: What do they look like for K-5?

ACTFL’s Guiding Principles give us a road map for using high-leverage or core teaching practices to support language...
AP Exam Instructional Planning Reports

AP® Exam Instructional Planning Reports: What Do They Tell Us and How Can They Support Instruction?

Now that school is about to start (or has already started for many), I have observed a lot of social media posts, and...
5 Spanish Games to Kick Off the School Year

5 Spanish Games to Kick Off the School Year

Get your students excited for the new school year while reviewing or introducing essential concepts with interactive...
Ice-breakers, Warm-Up Activities, and Other Ways to Engage Your Class

Ice-breakers, Warm-Up Activities, and Other Ways to Engage Your Class

To help you kick off your school year, we have gathered a series of ice-breaker games and activities that are very...
Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing dynamic classroom interaction allow teachers to design lessons that meet the individual instructional and...
The Power of Language

The Power of Language

Click here to listen to The Learning Imperative Podcast Series Language is powerful. It empowers people to connect...

Celebrating AP® Exam Day – “Special Effects” to Cheer Students on to Success!

Greetings to all! Time is passing and AP® exam days will be here soon! One of my favorite aspects of teaching AP®...
Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Doors: Inclusive Teaching in the Language Classroom

Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Doors: Inclusive Teaching in the Language Classroom

Deep learning occurs in classrooms that cultivate belonging and provide spaces where students feel seen and safe to...
The Language Imperative Podcast Series: The Pulsera Project’s Educational Purpose

The Language Imperative Podcast Series: The Pulsera Project’s Educational Purpose

Listen to the Language Imperative Podcast Series   When we first traveled to Nicaragua in 2009, it was with a spirit...
Color the World with a Pulsera Sale and Win $1,000 in Free Teaching Resources Plus a Trip to Guatemala

Vista/Pulsera Project Announce Winners of Their 2023-2024 Contest!

Vista Higher Learning and the Pulsera Project have teamed up this past year to encourage teachers around the country to...