During their long summer break, Italian students have plenty of possibilities, from summer schools to summer camps,...
The “summer slide” is not the name of a fun attraction at your local water park. Instead, it’s a very real...
How do Italian middle- and highschoolers spend their summers? They surely enjoy a very long break—the longest in...
What better way to for kids to spend summer vacation than discovering new books to entertain them? Maintaining sharp...
Italian middle- and high-school students have a long summer break, among the longest in Europe. Schools close at the...
The finish line is in sight and summertime is just around the corner! Remember, these next three months help make the...
One of the best parts about summer is the freedom to read what you want instead of what’s assigned in class. Take a...
With summer reading programs in full swing, the wide variety of children’s Spanish books available from dos...