I receive lots of questions about AP Summer Institutes, also known as APSIs. Teachers ask if they should attend one,...
April is a time to honor world languages, with Chinese Language Day celebrated on April 20 and Spanish Language Day on...
Teaching AP® World Language and Culture courses—in my case AP Spanish Language and Culture—is a great love—a...
Now that school is about to start (or has already started for many), I have observed a lot of social media posts, and...
Greetings to all! Time is passing and AP® exam days will be here soon!
One of my favorite aspects of teaching AP®...
Deep learning occurs in classrooms that cultivate belonging and provide spaces where students feel seen and safe to...
Ah…the power of reflection! Years ago (in 2002), I was among the first world language teachers to earn National Board...
The Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year, usually falls between January 21 and February 20. The festivities go on for...
The weeks leading up to winter break are full of excitement and anticipation. Harness some of that energy and get...
Learning or perfecting another language will always be an unforgettable experience, especially if you acquire or...