At Vista Higher Learning, we believe that language learning and literacy can help break down barriers and bring people together, encouraging them to think outside the box, appreciate unconventional art forms, and even to pursue creative endeavors.
The focus of Vista Higher Learning’s 2024 calendar—our gift to you—is street architecture and murals. These cultural expressions hold great importance in our society. They can transform public spaces, evoke emotions, and spark conversations. They can raise awareness about important topics like social justice, historical events, or cultural traditions, among others.
Street architecture and murals allow individuals and communities to share their perspectives, stories, and beliefs with the public, regardless of background or socioeconomic status. These works bring art to the streets, making our communities more vibrant, inclusive, and culturally rich.
As you use this calendar in your daily life, our hope at Vista Higher Learning is that these expressions of art will spark conversations and inspire positive feelings and change.

Cover Image – Shanghai, China

January – San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico

February – Naples, Italy

March – Buenos Aires, Argentina

April – Alsace, France

May – Guatapé, Colombia

June – Kairouan, Tunisia

July – Barcelona, Spain

August – Valparaiso, Chile

September – Berlin, Germany

October – Beijing, China

November – Vienna, Austria

December – Moscow, Russia