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By- Erika Semprun

Hispanic Heritage Month is here and that means Vista Higher Learning is bringing you some fun activities to share with your students.

Read and Review

Reading is especially important, so for the first activity, curate a list of books that feature Latinx authors and figures. Then let each student pick a title and assign a short prompt or review topic for reading comprehension. This will help the student understand Hispanic heritage, his/her figure, and the material.

Let Students Express Their Creativity with Arts and Crafts

There’s nothing quite as fun as working on an art project, and the Hispanic Heritage month gives educators an array of topics and projects from which to choose. Have the students create Ecuadorian Migajon miniatures, Ponce Carnival masks, papeles picados, or projects from other Latinx cultures. There are dozens of tutorials online that provide teachers and students with a list of supplies, and even step-by-step instructions.

Plant and Grow a Garden

Have your students celebrate their ethnicities by planting a class garden with crops from their cultures. Corn, tomatoes, peppers, lemons, and beans may be among the most common, but fruits and vegetables from all Hispanic cultures are fair game!

YouYou Might Also Like: 7 Songs to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage

Spanish Language Guide

The Spanish language is wonderful, but it can be quite difficult to master for people who consider it their second language. In order to help students and celebrate the language, have the class engage in a group project: an illustrated dictionary that features the most commonly used Spanish words. The guide can be created however you prefer, but it’s recommended that each word be paired with a visual component to promote memorization, meaning, and pronunciation.

Dance Party

Let the students get familiar with the sounds of their Hispanic heritage by letting them move to selections of salsa, merengue, rumba, cumbia, tango, and folk!

Play Traditional Games 

Nothing celebrates Hispanic culture like playing the traditional games of Hispanic regions. One great example is Color, Colorcito, in which the players take turns being “it.” The person who’s “it” says “color, colorcito” and then names the color of his/her choosing. Whoever is playing must run and touch something in that color in order to be “safe.” But if a player gets tagged, he or she becomes the new “it.”

This Spanish game is a great activity that students are sure to love. Looking for more classroom ideas? Check out Spanish Classroom.

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10 Hispanic Heritage Month Activities for your Classroom
3 years ago

[…] Hispanic Heritage Month, there are several fun activities to conduct in your classrooms, such […]