Edna Iturralde
Our featured author of the month is an Ecuadorian who has won multiple national and international...
By Anne Silva
Dear Spanish, you drive me crazy sometimes!
Now, I know I said that it was love at first sight between...
By Maria J. Treviño
Spanish is the number one foreign language offered in high schools throughout the United States;...
By Evelyn Silva
Volverán las oscuras golondrinas...
¿Qué amante de la poesía hispanoamericana no ha leído un...
By Evelyn Silva
Se le denomina falso cognado a una palabra que parece tener alguna relación con otro vocablo en otro...
By Anne Silva
Dear Spanish, I am crazy about you!
We are high school sweethearts, you and me. I fell in love with...
By Evelyn Silva
Este 28 de enero se cumplen 162 años del nacimiento de José Julián Martí Pérez. Nacido en el seno...
By Evelyn Silva
Voz pasiva con SE
Se usa la voz pasiva (SE + el verbo en la 3ª persona del singular o plural) para...
By Evelyn Silva
Formal Commands
As in English, in Spanish we use commands to give someone advice or to tell people...
Evelyn Silva
Cada enero, celebramos en los Estados Unidos el natalicio de Martn Luther King, un defensor y activista...