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You Are Inspiring

Anne Silva In the last post, I talked about the teacher who inspired me, and I asked you about the teachers who...

Etimología de la palabra “café”

    Tal y como establece la Real Academia de la Lengua, esta sabrosa y deliciosa palabra proviene del italiano...

Adverbios terminados en “mente”

Evelyn Silva Adverbios terminados en mente Los adverbios son palabras que contribuyen a complementar o describir la...

Our Inspiration

Anne Silva “Teachers touch the future,” they tell us. “Teachers shape students’ lives,” they say. But when...

Teacher Appreciation Day Wish List

Anne Silva First of all, HAPPY TEACHER APPRECIATION DAY/WEEK/MONTH! Here in this community, we are teachers, so who...

¡Vamos a leer! Celebra el Cinco de Mayo con un jarabe tapatío

Para ver el eBook haz clic aquí. Mientras se preparan para las celebraciones del Cinco de Mayo, los estudiantes...

Etimología de la palabra “almacén”

Origen de la palabra "almacén" Esta palabra proviene del árabe, de la palabra “mahzan”, que significa “tienda,...

Today is a good day to celebrate children!

Anne Silva When I was little, right around this time of year, with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day coming up, I...

Help! Preterite or Imperfect? It is not the same!

Evelyn Silva Two weeks ago, I was teaching the uses of the imperfect. My students seemed to be confused and some...

Etimología de la palabra “arroba”

Origen de la palabra "arroba" El origen de la palabra “arroba” proviene del  árabe, concretamente del término...