In Western Christianity, the Epifania [Epiphany], which falls on January 6, celebrates the visit of the magi to the...
On December 31, people around the world celebrate New Year’s Eve. While every country may have different ways of...
Teaching AP® World Language and Culture courses—in my case AP Spanish Language and Culture—is a great love—a...
Letters to Santa Claus are as much a part of Christmas as decorating, twinkling lights, and frosted cookies. However,...
Spanish Christmas songs, or villancicos, are so much fun to learn and practice during this time of year. Students enjoy...
No hay duda que la época más hermosa del año es la Navidad. Tiene una magia contagiosa de pura paz y felicidad que,...
Cuando hablamos de diversidad cultural nos referimos a la pluralidad de culturas que conviven e interactuan en un mismo...
Throughout the fall, we covered a range of important topics aimed at enhancing language programs and providing valuable...
Learning a new language can be an exciting challenge and a life-changing experience, but it can also be intimidating....
Classroom preparation for language learning in higher education requires careful planning, as well as special attention...