Language Connects Foundation (LCF) and Vista Higher Learning are thrilled to announce the launch of the year 2 of the...
What are employers looking for in 2025? According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), only...
Welcome to 2025, a year that promises to be both exciting and transformative. This is not just any year; it is a...
Más allá del romanticismo y la propaganda publicitaria que se quiere proyectar en la sociedad, celebrar el Día de...
Lunar New Year (il Capodanno lunare) refers generically to the beginning of a new year based on lunisolar calendars. It...
Planning to host a winter dinner party with an Italian twist? Search no more—here are some ideas to inspire you, from...
A new year means new books, and 2025 offers readers some fantastic finds for every grade level. From picture books to...
We are excited to announce the launch of our newly designed student homepage on vhlcentral! This update brings a...
At Vista Higher Learning, we believe that language learning and literacy can take many different pathways, encouraging...
Even though you're halfway through the school year, it's a new calendar year and a perfect time to contemplate...