Student assessment can be a substantial challenge for instructors when teaching online. Some of their concerns include student integrity, project-based assessments, and inspiring creativity. The webinar Best Practices for Remote Assessment offers ideas and solutions that have been proven effective at solving these issues.
It’s essential to address online academic integrity at the beginning of the course. Don’t assume that students have already had this discussion in other classes. Besides, your standards could be different and more tailored to your class. Just like in-person classes, students should read and sign an honor statement about academic integrity. Additionally, create clear and unambiguous expectations for the assessment. Lastly, look into a proctoring program as an option if necessary.
When it comes to assessing students online, allowing them to demonstrate their knowledge through projects has many advantages. First, students have less temptation to cheat, since projects are original. Second, projects allow for more creativity and expression, which is motivating for students. Furthermore, project-based assessments often require students to utilize multiple skills to show what they know.
Encouraging student creativity in a digital learning environment is simply a matter of offering exciting choices for assessment. Many options are available besides simple slide presentations. For example, students can use interactive images to tell a story while showcasing their writing skills. Website, video, or song creation are also possibilities. All of these activities require students to think imaginatively, and the instructor is able to evaluate their abilities in multiple modes of communication.
Watch the webinar here:

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