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End of the Year

December may be the last month on the calendar, but ask any student or teacher which month is the end of their year and...

Cuba, la perla de las Antillas

Durante estos meses de verano muchas personas viajan a diferentes partes del mundo movidos por el entusiasmo y la...

TRAVEL SERIES: México and the Maya Culture

I am fascinated with Pre-Columbian history and culture. A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to be a participant in...

La Revolución de Mayo

La independencia de Argentina de España fue declarada el 9 de julio de 1816; sin embargo, la revolución de mayo es...

Vos, ¿hablás castellano?

Existen muchos acentos distintos en español. El periodista venezolano Daniel Duque cuenta cómo su manera de hablar...

The Importance of Earth Day

Earth Day is considered the largest civic observance in the world. Because of this day, more and more people each year...

The History of Earth Day

Each year on April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day. It’s a time to recognize our amazing planet and...

Hispanic Culture: Cuba

By Angela Padron With the recent changes to Cuban-U.S. policies, more and more people are becoming aware of Cuban...

Entre dichos y refranes

Por- Evelyn Silva Siempre que le preguntan a cualquier persona cuáles son los elementos que nos caracterizan como...

Hispanic Culture: Spain

By Angela Padron There are 20 countries around the world where Spanish is the official language. They are located in...