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K–12 Education

7 Summer Reads for Elementary, Middle, and High School

7 Summer Reads for Elementary, Middle, and High School

One of the best parts about summer is the freedom to read what you want instead of what’s assigned in class. Take a...
Italian Spring Holidays

Italian Spring Holidays

Each year, Italians have eleven giorni festivi (non-working days), not including Easter, which always falls on Sunday....
Qué Son las Falacias

¿Qué Son las Falacias?

¿Habías escuchado el término falaz? ¿Se puede considerar como empírico algo que diga alguna persona importante o...
La Variedad del Idioma Español

La Variedad del Idioma Español

El idioma español ocupa un lugar privilegiado entre los más hablados en el mundo. Cerca de 500 millones de personas...
Using Curriculum for English Learners – The Push-in Model

Using Curriculum for English Learners – The Push-in Model

For English Language Learners (ELL), acquiring English proficiency is essential in order to understand content in...
Using Curriculum for English Learners – The Pull-out Model

Using Curriculum for English Learners – The Pull-out Model

English language learners enter schools at different levels of English proficiency. Some students can master English...
Vocabulary Strategies to Support English and Multilingual Learners

Vocabulary Strategies to Support English and Multilingual Learners

The best vocabulary development strategies do much more than present new words to students and require that they...
SEL Skills Matter

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills Matter

Last week, I was talking to my 12-year-old niece Annie about school. Things seemed to be going well, until she...
4 End-of-Year Traditions for New Teachers

4 End-of-Year Traditions for New Teachers

The final day of class is quickly approaching, and if you’re a new teacher you may be wondering how to make the last...
Datos curiosos sobre Don Quijote de la Mancha

Datos curiosos sobre Don Quijote de la Mancha

En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza...