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language Classroom

Imagina - Authentic Resources for Thought-Provoking Discussions

Authentic Resources for Thought-Provoking Discussions

In my early years of teaching, it was not common practice to use authentic texts to teach Spanish. I supported the...
Técnicas Para La Revisión de Escritura

Técnicas Para La Revisión de Escritura

Escribir un texto es un proceso de tres etapas. Requiere planificación, textualización y revisión. En la etapa de...
Mistakes Commonly Made in Spanish

6 Mistakes Commonly Made in Spanish

Whether grammar is your favorite part of learning a new language or something you just suffer through, it’s a good...
How to Foster Language and Literacy Development in the Spanish Classroom

First and Second Language Writing: Is Their Development Aligned?

Carol Chomsky (1971) once stated, “children’s minds, at four, five, six, are far from linguistic empty space into...
How to Foster Language and Literacy Development in the Spanish Classroom

Empowering Multilingual Learners with Digital Resources

As an instructional coach, I get many questions about the use of educational technology with multilingual learners....