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Languages and Culture

Important Aspects to Include in Your Italian Class Lesson Plans

Important Aspects to Include in Your Italian Class Lesson Plans

Given that everyone learns in a different way, and that your lesson plans should consider all kind of...
Building a Culture of Advocacy

Building a Culture of Advocacy

Listen to the Language Imperative Podcast Series  Advocating for something that matters to you is an act of personal...

Libraries are full of wonders with many benefits

Reading is an activity with many benefits, and it is for this reason that the library should be a regular place to...

¡Aprender español es fabuloso!

Con más de 530 millones de hablantes, el español es la cuarta lengua más hablada del mundo. Por eso no es de...
Famous Italian Poets

Famous Italian Poets

  Italian poetry has a long and glorious tradition. Despite often being perceived as hard to approach and enjoy,...
Poemas para aprender español

Poemas para aprender español

  De todos los géneros literarios, la poesía es la que más encanto posee. La belleza y el sentimiento que...

Pasos para analizar un poema

La poesía es una manifestación estética de la belleza y los sentimientos que se expresan por medio de la palabra...

8 Amazing Benefits of Being Bilingual or Multilingual

Around the globe, it’s estimated that over half the population speaks more than one language. Nevertheless, in the...
Engage Chinese Learners Using IPAs with Real-world Tasks

Engage Chinese Learners Using IPAs with Real-world Tasks

Chinese learners at the novice level often feel that they are only allowed to work on the very basic tasks of...

5 Fun Activities to Help With Learning French

The best French classes are those in which the students learn by doing. A dynamic, group-focused class allows students...