Maria J. Treviño
There are two boxes preceding each statement. Using the first column of boxes, place a checkmark...
Anne Silva
So Español Santillana has this new thing. It’s called Español Santillana PLUS, and you guys! This is...
Maria J. Treviño
Dear Administrators, Instructional Specialists, Coordinators, and Teachers:
I am looking forward to...
Qué español enseñar: la enseñanza de español en los Estados Unidos (primera parte)
Aurora Martín de Santa...
Angela Padrón
A wise man once said, “The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you...
Maria J. Fierro-Treviño
A los chicos y a las chicas les gusta hacer una...
Christine Mosso
We are teachers, but we are also managers, referees, entertainers, psychologists, and…baggage...
Jan Kucerik, Pinellas County Public Schools, Pinellas County, Florida
A 7th grade student known to his Spanish teacher...