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K-12 Education

Talking About Ice Cream en Français

Talking About Ice Cream en Français

Just like most food in France, ice cream is taken very seriously. Unlike American ice cream, French ice cream is made...
20 Spanish Words and Phrases to Use to Talk about FIFA World Cup Soccer

20 Spanish Words and Phrases to Use to Talk about FIFA World Cup Soccer

Spring and summer are soccer season or, rather, the season for ¡el fútbol! While soccer is not known for having the...
Summer Vacations in Italy: Essential Travel Phrases and Tips

Summer Vacations in Italy: Essential Travel Phrases and Tips

Planning a summer trip to Italy? Unsure of what to do or in doubt about what to say in the most common situations?...
FIFA World Cup: Basic Soccer Vocabulary

FIFA World Cup: Basic Soccer Vocabulary

In Italy, il calcio (soccer) is the sport, by definition—played, watched, commented on, discussed, lived, and...
Fórmulas para fomentar la pasión por la lectura en los estudiantes

Fórmulas para fomentar la pasión por la lectura en los estudiantes

Leer es un proceso cognitivo muy complejo que implica descifrar, pensar, razonar e interpretar el texto escrito, entre...
Cómo crear entornos inclusivos para atender la diversidad en el aula

Cómo Crear Entornos Inclusivos Para Atender La Diversidad En El Aula

El objetivo primordial en la educación es garantizar el desarrollo pleno y el potencial de cada estudiante para que...