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Reading starts with a spark. Whether it’s the title of a book, the captivating cover, the famous author, or the illustrations, something has to interest a child to make him or her want to pick up a book in the first place.
There are several ways to get children interested in reading, but it all starts with finding the right book.



Ask questions about children’s interests: What do they like to do? What’s their favorite food or music? Which is their favorite subject in school? Do they like to laugh at funny stories or learn new information? Tell them that no matter what they like, there is a book that they might like based on their own personal interests.

  • Place several books out each day and read the titles. Allow children to choose which book they would like to hear that day and read it aloud with them.
  • When students find a type of book they like or a particular author’s book, introduce them to similar books or ones written by the same author.
  • Promote reading as something fun and cool. Hype up a particular book or theme monthly by having book parties, creating puppet shows or skits about a book.
  • Find books that make learning fun. The more fun children can discover in reading and writing, the stronger their literacy skills will be throughout their entire lives.

Click to learn about engaging Vista children’s books and collections.


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