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Pi Day: Incorporating Math into Language Learning

Pi Day: Incorporating Math into Language Learning

Math and languages may seem like they have little in common, but many skills cross over between the two subjects, like...
Differentiation that Works: Simple Techniques for Engaging All Students in the Multilingual Classroom

Differentiation that Works: Simple Techniques for Engaging All Students in the Multilingual Classroom

In the ELD classroom, differentiating instruction can feel like climbing Mount Everest ... incredibly challenging!...
Welcoming Multilingual Learners Back to School¬—and Meeting Them Where They Are!

Welcoming Multilingual Learners Back to School—and Meeting Them Where They Are!

Starting at my new school in the United States, I remember the clang of the bell and some of the students running with...
The Impact of Summer Programs for Multilingual Learners

The Impact of Summer Programs for Multilingual Learners

As a nation, we are still struggling with the effects of learning loss in children. Last year, The New York Times...
15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

15 Fall and Thanksgiving Vocab Words for the Spanish Classroom

One of the joys of learning a language is getting to use new vocabulary with family and friends during different...
Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing dynamic classroom interaction allow teachers to design lessons that meet the individual instructional and...
Building a Culture of Advocacy

Building a Culture of Advocacy

Listen to the Language Imperative Podcast Series  Advocating for something that matters to you is an act of personal...

8 Amazing Benefits of Being Bilingual or Multilingual

Around the globe, it’s estimated that over half the population speaks more than one language. Nevertheless, in the...
5 Famous Multilingual Women You Should Know

5 Famous Multilingual Women You Should Know

Each year we recognize March as Women’s History Month and celebrate women's contributions to history and culture. The...
Strategies for Newcomers and SLIFE Students

Strategies for Newcomers and SLIFE Students

All across the United States, students who are limited in English proficiency are entering school. Some are immigrants...