Poetry is an outstanding vehicle for exploring language and culture and how the two intertwine. Authentic poems...
La lectura nos acerca a un mundo desconocido, donde cada palabra abre una puerta a la imaginación. Nos hace libres y...
Many students learn about forms of poetry during National Poetry Month. But do they know where and how these poems...
Por Carlos Miguel-Pueyo, Professor of Spanish, Valparaiso University
Los jóvenes estudiantes que pueblan...
By Claudia Quesito
While we of course must give credit where credit’s due and note that Dante well deserves the...
We’re introduced to poetry as soon as we’re born, through cooing lullabies and catchy nursery rhymes. As teachers,...
April is National Poetry Month, and it’s never too early to introduce children to the auditory beauty that rhyme and...
Students and teachers take time not only to study famous poets and poems, but also various types of poems and...
Palabra: rimar
rimar: (ri-mar) - Acabar dos palabras o dos versos con sonidos iguales o muy parecidos....
By- Erika Semprun
Poetry is a great component to integrate into class curriculum, but sometimes it can be...