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How to Integrate Poetry into Class Curriculum

By- Erika Semprun

Poetry is a great component to integrate into class curriculum, but sometimes it can be difficult to get students interested in the genre. In light of this, Vista Higher Learning has drafted up a list of ideas on how to incorporate poetry into the classroom.

1. Expose students to content that will appeal to them

Some children and adolescents find it difficult to connect to or comprehend traditional poetry. In order to get the students eager to study the material, it’s important to find work that resonates with them. Consider exposing them to pieces that discuss relatable topics or material they’ll feel comfortable with.

2. Hold poetry read-alongs

Reading poetry out loud is great for development, but it also serves to help students get comfortable with the genre. Depending on what your students like, consider opting for various types of poetry. Some students may enjoy free verse, while others prefer sonnets and haikus.

3. Hold poetry “circles”

Another option is holding an end-of-the-week poetry “circle.” In this circle, students have a chance to sit together and discuss pieces that they’ve connected with and enjoyed. By sharing these thoughts with one another, it’s easier for the students to find content they’ll likely enjoy. This also gives the teacher a chance to see what the students are connecting with the best.

4. Encourage journaling

Another way to integrate poetry in the classroom is to reserve a slot in the lesson plan for students to work on their poetry-writing skills. Some may find it hard to connect with the genre while simply reading, but writing may help. The writing process is personal and intimate and so can be used as an outlet.

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