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Professional Development

Vista Higher Learning’s Professional Development Webinars

Showcasing Success: Engaging Students through Meaningful Portfolio September 24 – 3:30 PM ET In this...
Go Viral! Using Target Language Social Media and Novice and Intermediate Learners

Go Viral! Using Target Language Social Media and Novice and Intermediate Learners

“Don’t believe everything you read online.”  — Abraham Lincoln This famous faux quote pokes fun at a huge...
Spring 2024

Professional Development Webinar Recap Spring 2024

This spring, we covered a range of engaging topics aimed at enhancing language programs and providing valuable...
Webinar: ACTFL's Guiding Principles for Language Learning: What do they look like for K-5?

ACTFL’s Guiding Principles for Language Learning: What do they look like for K-5?

ACTFL’s Guiding Principles give us a road map for using high-leverage or core teaching practices to support language...
Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing dynamic classroom interaction allow teachers to design lessons that meet the individual instructional and...
Vista Higher Learning Unveils Next Gen Integration for vhlcentral Online Learning Platform

Vista Higher Learning Unveils Next Gen Integration for vhlcentral Online Learning Platform

Vista Higher Learning has earned the EdTech™ certification for learning tools interoperability (LTI) v1.3 for its...
Content Area Writing and Multilingual Learners

Content Area Writing and Multilingual Learners – Moving Towards an Asset Model

  Writing as an academic process is both a complex and multifaceted endeavor. It involves having the writer...

Watch These Webinars for Your Professional Development

Working Advocacy in Your Language Program: Examples and Possibilities On November 3, Vista Higher Learning presented...
How to Foster Language and Literacy Development in the Spanish Classroom

How to Foster Language and Literacy Development in the Spanish Classroom

As a student in a Basque/Spanish bilingual program in Spain and, a generation later, the mother of a student in a...
How to Foster Language and Literacy Development in the Spanish Classroom

Translanguaging: Defining and Describing Its Use with Second Language Learners

In its basic form, translanguaging is a theory of language practice. And, as in any theory applied to practice, it...