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Vista Higher Learning

Announcing LCF/Vista Classroom Micro Grant Program for Language Educators

Announcing LCF/Vista Classroom Micro Grant Program for Language Educators

Language Connects Foundation (LCF) and Vista Higher Learning are thrilled to announce the launch of the year 2 of the...

Vista Higher Learning Future Language Educator Scholarships

NEW for the 2024-2025 academic year! Vista Higher Learning (VHL) would like to reward exemplary K–12 and higher...
CABE/Vista Future Dual Language Education (DLE) Teacher Award

CABE/Vista Future Dual Language Education (DLE) Teacher Award

Attention CABE Members: Empower the next generation of bilingual educators with a $1,000 scholarship—nominate a...
Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

If you’re anything like me, most of my French language learning was centered around the Hexagone. You know, the...
Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

Social Justice: Moving Beyond a Single Story

What we share with our students will ultimately shape their ideas and perspectives on the world. And yet, so often we...
Franco-African Identity: Expanding Your Instructional Repertoire

How to Include More Afro-Francophone Resources in Your Instructional Repertoire

We all know there is a wealth of information on the internet. No joke; it’s amazing—and very overwhelming. If you...
The new 'create a account' page view

Learn What’s New to vhlcentral!

vhlcentral is the online platform that supports and facilitates language acquisition for thousands of educators and...
Heritage Event

Our Commitment to Spanish Heritage Language Instruction

Our commitment to Spanish heritage language instruction continues as we moved into the summer of 2023 with the...

Congratulations to the Winners of Vista Higher Learning’s 2023-2024 Future Language Educator Scholarships

Vista Higher Learning (VHL) is proud to announce the winners of its 2023-2024 Future Language Educators scholarship...
2024 Higher Education Scholarships

Vista Higher Learning Future Language Educator Scholarships

NEW for the 2023-2024 academic year! Vista Higher Learning (VHL) would like to reward exemplary higher education...