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Here are the top ten tips to help college students study from home. With every announcement, you could provide student success tips and/ or create a pinned discussion board for sharing tips for survival. We all need the motivation to keep going. Here are the top ten tips for helping your students study from home:

  1. Stay calm and check your email
  2. Create a daily schedule including breaks, meals, phone time
  3. Create your at-home workspace
  4. Don’t multitask; turn off your phone during dedicated study time 
  5. Announce to the household that you are in study time and it’s time to leave you alone
  6. Create group chats and study groups with classmates
  7. If you are feeling lost, reach out to your classmates, teacher or tutors for help
  8. If you are feeling sad or lonely, reach out for help
  9. Move your body and make sure to exercise at least once a day
  10. Remember to communicate!

You can also use a free tool to share your video and screen like Camtasia or Screencast-O-matic. 

Listen to the Best Practices for Remote Teaching Webinar Part 4 recording to learn more.

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