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Author: Kishory Murray

Top 8 Christmas Dishes in Italy

Food plays a big role in Christmas celebrations. Together with the festive vibe—family gatherings and gift...

Actividades para celebrar la Navidad en la escuela

Recuperar la vida cotidiana, la esperanza y la alegría después de un largo periodo inestable, representa el mayor...

Top 8 Italian Destinations

To make a list of unmissable Italian destinations is a tough task. Just sticking to official recognitions,  Italy is...

Celebrate the holidays in your classroom with Cuentos para celebrar

Award-winning authors Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy take us on a journey through the holiday season with stories...

8 Interesting Facts about Las Posadas

Across Mexico, Guatemala, and in many parts of the U.S., the Christmas season begins with the celebration of Las...

Incorporating Social & Emotional Learning: A Bridge to Success in the World Language Classroom

Yesterday, I was greeting my students when I noticed a student clearly in distress walking to her next class. Her face...

Creating Confident Communicators

When language educators reflect on what they want their learners to be able to do, most would likely respond “use the...

Cómo la educación virtual transformó los procesos de enseñanza

El estudiante siempre ha sido el eje de todo centro educativo y durante la pandemia asumió un papel protagónico, pues...
el agradecimiento

Cómo expresar el agradecimiento

El Diccionario de la lengua española define el agradecimiento (gratitud) como, “sentimiento que obliga a una...

Activities to Bring the First Thanksgiving to Life

While the Thanksgiving Day story may have changed with the passing of time, today students have plenty of...