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Featured Readings

Ten Best National Parks to Enjoy Your Summer Vacation

By- Angela Padrón Every summer, students are faced with the same question—what is there to do? Well, how about...
biblioteca pública

8 razones para visitar una biblioteca pública

La biblioteca pública es un lugar único, es comunitario y tiene algo para cada miembro de la familia. Aquí...

6 Educational Activities to do with Kids in the Summer

By- Erika Semprun Can’t think of any fun activities to do with your students or children throughout summer...

La Street Art in Italia

By Claudia Quesito Virtually everywhere around the world, street art has a controversial history. Often born as an...

Webinar series: Best Practices for Remote Teaching

    The spread of COVID-19 has caused a rapid shift to remote teaching and learning...

Learning Languages: How to Inspire Students

By Andreina Ibarra Learning a language is not easy, which is why the teacher's ability to motivate his or her...

10 Museums in the U.S. Where You Can Learn about Art and History

By- Angela Padrón Looking at art on a computer screen or in a book is one thing, but seeing it in person is another...

Recipes From the World

At Vista Higher Learning, we live and breathe language and culture. As a specialized world languages publisher, our...
mantener la atención de tus estudiantes 

10 consejos para mantener la atención de tus estudiantes durante una clase en línea

La educación virtual cobra fuerza, cada vez son más los estudiantes que apuestan por cursos regulares o...

Teacher Appreciation Month 2020

Anne Silva Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4-8, 2020. But we figure that one week isn’t NEARLY enough time to show...