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K–12 Education

La parola del giorno: resilienza

By Claudia Quesito Parola: resilienza Resilienza: (re-si-lièn-za), sostantivo femminile – in psicologia, è...

7 Reasons to Read Right Now

By- Kelli Drummer-Avendano If we should be indulging in books when life is going on as usual, then reading is even...

4 Reasons to Use Poetry in the Language Classroom

April is National Poetry Month, which is all the more reason to include one of the oldest forms of expression in...

4 Hacks for Language Learning

You can bet that the goal "Learn a new language" is on almost everyone's bucket list. Unfortunately, few people...

Italian Grammar: Tips & Tricks

By- Claudia Quesito Grammar has typically a bad reputation among language students, but there’s a whole...

Learning Italian: Pronouns

By- Claudia Quesito I pronomi are typically dreaded by language learners, but they are, in fact, here to help!...

Resoluciones de año nuevo para educadores

Por-Evelyn Silva En la cultura popular, es una práctica común que las personas se tracen metas que van a intentar...

Conoce la Real Academia Española

Por – Linda Ojeda La Real Academia Española (RAE) fue fundada en Madrid para el año 1713 y se encarga de...

Engagement Strategies for World Language Classes: Understanding What Works and Why

  Drafting a syllabus or plan for an upcoming class always gives me pause. Though we all include the...

Learning Italian: Suffixes

By- Claudia Quesito Suffixes are appendixes placed after the stem of nouns and they are a good way to make...