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K–12 Education

(Digital) Accessibility and Inclusion: Breaking (Language) Barriers for All

(Digital) Accessibility and Inclusion: Breaking (Language) Barriers for All

The crucial importance of digital access and inclusion has been highlighted during and after the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo through Spanish Language Learning

¡Viva la lengua! Celebrating Cinco de Mayo through Spanish Language Learning and Cuisine in the Classroom

Cinco de Mayo is a lively celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Though it’s not Mexico’s Independence Day, the...
Blooming Vocabulary for springtime Learning

Blooming Vocabulary for Springtime Learning

La primavera (spring) is, by definition, the season of hope, life, and good vibes. In the northern hemisphere, la...
Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Global Accessibility Awareness Day: 6 Strategies for Creating Optimal Accessibility in the Language Classroom

Since 2012, the third Thursday in May has been known as Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). It focuses on...
Getting the Edge on AP Summer Institutes for our World Language Courses!

“Getting the Edge” on AP® Summer Institutes for our World Language Courses!

I receive lots of questions about AP Summer Institutes, also known as APSIs. Teachers ask if they should attend one,...
Using Consistent Curricular Routines to Keep Learning at the Center for Multilingual Learners

Using Consistent Curricular Routines for Multilingual Learners

There are some days that students come to class feeling anxious. In particular, newcomers who are still acclimating...
Desafíos y oportunidades para los maestros en un mundo con inteligencia artificial

Desafíos y oportunidades para los maestros en un mundo con inteligencia artificial

El uso de las tecnologías emergentes, como la inteligencia artificial (IA), es una estrategia potencial e innovadora...
Exploring the Italian Language through Poetry

Exploring the Italian Language through Poetry

Italy has a long-standing and well-celebrated poetic tradition. After all, the Italian language seems made to be sung,...
Superando el miedo al error: Estrategias para aumentar la confianza en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Superando el miedo al error: Estrategias para aumentar la confianza en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Aprender un nuevo idioma es un gran desafío. Durante el proceso de aprendizaje afloran sentimientos de inseguridad y...
April Fool’s Day in Italy. Pesce d’aprile

April Fool’s Day in Italy

April Fool’s Day is “celebrated” in Italy, as in many countries all around the world. Like many fellow Europeans,...