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By- Erika Semprun

Long ago, forests were arid lands. Then, seeds found their way to these lands, and small plants began to form and grow. Suddenly, those barren lands were transformed into forests filled with a rich variety of trees.

Today, forests supply us with the oxygen we need to breathe. And as if that wasn’t enough, they’re also home to dozens of species of animals.

Care to learn about the forest and its ecosystem? ¿Quién manda en los bosques? is the perfect pick for you!

Author Yu-Jeong Lee uses her remarkable storytelling skills to teach readers about the origin of forests and the purpose they serve. ¿Quién manda en los bosques? is filled with details and facts that serve to make the narrative comprehensible and enjoyable. Lee’s book is a great tool to use to teach children about the forest as an ecosystem and its functions. Although this may not be an ideal entertainment piece, children who like the environmental sciences will thoroughly enjoy this book.

Want to teach your students or children about the forest and its functions? For more information on this pick, you can call 1-800-269-6311—or email! Students can write to, educators to

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