A new year means new books, and 2025 offers readers some fantastic finds for every grade level. From picture books to...
With summer reading programs in full swing, the wide variety of children’s Spanish books available from dos...
By Kelli Drummer-Avendano
This summer, imagine taking a road trip with your family through Latin America without...
Families in the Classroom come in all shapes and sizes. This can be a confusing concept for some children, while others...
By- Kelli Drummer-Avendano
By the time children start kindergarten, they will know approximately 5,000 words...
By Erika Semprun
Do you like to celebrate October with creepy mystery tales? Norma has just the stories for...
Por-Glenda Rosado
En la vida pasamos por diferentes procesos que son difíciles de entender. Uno de ellos es la...
By- Erika Semprun
¡Lorenza, bájate del perro!, written by Toño Malpica and illustrated by Manuel Monroy, tells...
We are very excited to introduce Dos tomatillos, the new Vista Higher Learning online store dedicated to children's...
By- Erika Semprun
Have you checked out Guillermo Fesser’s book, Get to Know Bernardo de Gálvez? If you answered...