By- Erika Semprun
¡Lorenza, bájate del perro!, written by Toño Malpica and illustrated by Manuel Monroy, tells the tale of a father and his mischievous child. The protagonist, who continuously attempts to discipline his daughter, finds himself torn between being stern and compassionate.
There’s no doubt that raising a rebellious daughter is an ongoing journey; however, the protagonist finds the company of his playful child worth every battle. ¡Lorenza, bájate del perro! tells the honest tale of a parent’s daily routine: although children may misbehave, there’s nothing as wonderful as being a parent.
This delightful piece features wonderful writing, but it’s the illustrations that entrance readers. Audience members are sure to find themselves laughing along with the discourse featured in the narration.
If you’d like to entertain your children or students with a light-hearted, comical read, pick up Loqueleo’s ¡Lorenza, bájate del perro!
To learn more about this title visit dos tomatillos.