From the start of the nation’s COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, there has been little doubt that it would have a deep...
Over the past two years, federal and state funding for K-12 education programs has increased considerably. Record...
Vista Higher Learning (VHL) is proud to announce the winners of its 2022-2023 Future Language Educators scholarship...
Vista Higher Learning Is Proud to Sponsor the JNCL-NCLIS Language at the Intersection Insights Interview...
Legislation Would Raise Annual Title III, Part A Funding to Record Level
English language learner (EL)...
School districts now face a unique challenge with no easy solution: How to spend record amounts of federal education...
One thing that is abundantly clear about K–12 education is that funding matters. And so do the basic concepts...
By Jay A. Diskey
The nation’s public schools may be in for record amounts of federal funding in the next fiscal...
Anne Silva
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4-8, 2020. But we figure that one week isn’t NEARLY enough time to show...
1. Online Language Learning
It should come as no surprise that online learning is still a top trend for 2020. In...