Vista Books win the prestigious Campoy-Ada Award for 2022, granted by the North American Academy of the Spanish Language and the University of Texas at San Antonio
The Award
In consonance with its commitment to defend and foster the use of the Spanish language in all its authentic variations, the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE) has instituted the Campoy-Ada Award, named in honor of two of its members, in support of quality literature for children and young adults.
The objective of this award is to recognize works in the field of children’s and youth literature that stand out for the originality of their idea, their artistic and literary achievement, and the excellent use of the Spanish language.
Sobre el Premio Campoy-Ada
El Premio Campoy-Ada, establecido en el 2017 en convocatorias bianuales, tiene por objetivo celebrar la publicación en español de libros para niños y jóvenes publicados en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Patrocinado por el consorcio entre la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE) y la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio (UTSA), este premio abarca 24 categorías de ficción y no ficción, con temas latino-céntricos y temas universales que faciliten la comprensión multicultural de la sociedad estadounidense. Su nombre celebra a dos pioneras de la literatura bilingüe infantil y juvenil en los Estados Unidos: F. Isabel Campoy y Alma Flor Ada.
Miembros del jurado Premio Campoy-Ada de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua y la Universidad de Texas-San Antonio, incluyen:
• Dr. Claudia Treviño García, Vicepresidenta. San Antonio Area Association for Bilingual Education (SAAABE)
• Dr. Eduardo Lolo, Miembro Numerario de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española
• Dr. Ana Pallares-Weissling, Profesora Adjunta. Departamento de Educación Bicultural-Bilingüe, UTSA
• Dr. Gerardo Piña-Rosales, Miembro Numerario de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española
• Dr. Hilda Rodríguez, Educadora en Harlansdale ISD
• Dr. Howard L. Smith, Profesor. Departamento de Educación Bicultural-Bilingüe, UTSA
• Kenya Vargas, Estudiante de Doctorado. Departamento de Educación Bicultural-Bilingüe, UTSA
• Coordinación General: Dra. Patricia Sánchez, Profesora y Directora. Departamento de Educación Bicultural-Bilingüe, UTSA
• Alma Flor Ada, Miembro Numerario de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española
• F. Isabel Campoy, Miembro Numerario de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española
Reunido el jurado en su cuarta convocatoria de 2022, y habiendo considerado los méritos lingüísticos y culturales y la calidad literaria y artística de los libros, publicados entre los años 2020 y 2022, sometidos a este premio, dan a conocer a los siguientes ganadores:
The Winners
Category: Biografía infantil, temas latino-céntricos
First Place: Diego Rivera: su mundo y el nuestro
Diego Rivera, one of the most famous painters of the twentieth century, was once just a mischievous little boy who loved to draw. This little boy would grow up to follow his passion and greatly influence the world of art. Award-winning Mexican-American author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh, drawing inspiration from Rivera to create his own original work, helps young readers to understand the importance of Diego Rivera’s artwork and to realize that they too can tell stories through art.
First Place: Soldado por la igualdad: José de la Luz Sáenz y la Gran Guerra
José de la Luz Sáenz (Luz) was born in the United States, and often faced prejudice because of his Mexican heritage. When World War I broke out, Luz joined the army, but prejudice followed him even there. Upon his return to Texas, he joined forces with other Mexican-American veterans to create the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), which today is the largest and oldest Latino civil rights organization. Using his signature illustration style and Luz’s diary entries from his time in the war, award-winning Mexican-American author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh tells the story of this little-known hero.
Category: Biografía infantil, temas universales
First Place: Eleanor ya no se calla: la vida de Eleanor Roosevelt
In her eloquent prose, Doreen Rappaport captures the essence of Eleanor Roosevelt’s character and the deep significance of her legacy. With beautiful paintings by Gary Kelley and selections from Eleanor’s own writings, this title is an extraordinary tribute to an extraordinary American, the most socially and politically active–and controversial–First Lady America had ever seen. Ambassador, activist, and champion of civil rights, Eleanor Roosevelt changed the soul of America forever.
Honorable Mention:
- o Las honestas palabras de Abraham: la vida de Abraham Lincoln
- o Una computadora llamada Katherine: cómo ayudó Katherine Johnson a poner a EE. UU. en la Luna
- o Wilma regresa a casa: la vida de Wilma Mankiller
Category: Narrativa histórica, temas universales
First Place: Abominable: la masacre racial de Tulsa
A powerful look at the Tulsa Race Massacre, one of the worst incidents of racial violence in our nation’s history. The book traces the history of African Americans in Tulsa’s Greenwood district—also known as Black Wall Street—and chronicles the devastation that occurred in 1921, when a white mob attacked the prosperous Black community. This picture book sensitively introduces young readers to this tragedy and concludes with a call for a better future.
Honorable Mention:
Category: Poesía infantil, temas latino-céntricos
First Place: Tilingo, tilingo: rimas, trabalenguas y adivinanzas tradicionales
The word is the best toy there is! With words, we can play anytime and anywhere. This delightful book is a compilation of verses, songs, riddles and funny tongue twisters that abound in the Spanish-speaking tradition, which have entertained your parents, your grandparents, your great-great-grandparents… and now it’s your turn!
Honorable Mention:
Category: Poesía infantil, temas universales
First Place: Poemas de ciencias para cabras y libélulas
Just because science is all about accuracy it does not mean that it can’t be fun and poetic. Through rhymes, tales, and riddles, this fantastic book full of humor and playful illustrations introduces the science concepts to which the little ones are exposed in the classroom. A valuable tool that will delight parents, teachers, and children.

Also read: Vista Books Win the Prestigious Premio Campoy-Ada Award for 2020