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Contribuciones de los hispanos en la ciencia y la tecnología

Contribuciones de los hispanos en la ciencia y la tecnología

Los hispanos que viven en los Estados Unidos hacen grandes aportaciones culturales, sociales y económicas. Estos...
AP Exam Instructional Planning Reports

AP® Exam Instructional Planning Reports: What Do They Tell Us and How Can They Support Instruction?

Now that school is about to start (or has already started for many), I have observed a lot of social media posts, and...
5 Spanish Games to Kick Off the School Year

5 Spanish Games to Kick Off the School Year

Get your students excited for the new school year while reviewing or introducing essential concepts with interactive...
La presencia de los anglicismos en el español actual

La presencia de los anglicismos en el español actual

En muchas ocasiones la Real Academia Española (RAE) ha expresado su rechazo al uso y abuso de algunos anglicismos en...
Ice-breakers, Warm-Up Activities, and Other Ways to Engage Your Class

Ice-breakers, Warm-Up Activities, and Other Ways to Engage Your Class

To help you kick off your school year, we have gathered a series of ice-breaker games and activities that are very...
Italian Film Festivals: A Summer Guide

Italian Film Festivals: A Summer Guide

Italian movie theaters are not living their best moment: Most of them are struggling to come back to their pre-pandemic...
Errores comunes al aprender español

Errores comunes al aprender español y cómo evitarlos

El español se ha posicionado como uno de los idiomas más estudiados gracias a la cantidad de hablantes que lo...
What do Italian Students Do over the Summer?

What do Italian Students Do over the Summer?

How do Italian middle- and highschoolers spend their summers? They surely enjoy a very long break—the longest in...
Seal of Biliteracy

The Seal of Biliteracy Marks a Milestone

The Seal of Biliteracy is celebrating a well-deserved fifteenth anniversary this year. The seal, which recognizes...
Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing Dynamic Classroom Interactions for Multilingual Learners

Designing dynamic classroom interaction allow teachers to design lessons that meet the individual instructional and...